During the Biometric Technology Rally, thousands of biometric images will be captured from hundreds of volunteers. All data collected from volunteers will be stored on encrypted devices that meet federal standards. All biometric samples and other data collected from volunteers will be stored under an ID number.
Non-biometric PII will be stored separately from all research data and will not be shared or transmitted.
Researchers participating in the study will have access to the biometric samples and demographic information identified by the ID number only. Rally Participants (i.e., the Rally Participants or other parties selected for the Biometric Technology Rally) will be allowed to keep the data that was collected by their system. Rally Participants will not receive data from any other system tested in the Biometric Technology Rally.
Rally Participants will receive a gallery of face biometric images if their systems perform on-board face matching. This gallery will be pre-populated with biometric images from volunteers' previous involvement at the Maryland Test Facility (MdTF). Rally Participants will be required to sign a data transfer agreement indicating they will use the gallery for rally purposes only and will not share biometric data with any other entities.
In addition to Rally Participants, biometric data will be shared with NIST for research and evaluation purposes. NIST will be required to sign a data transfer agreement indicating they will not share the biometric data and they will not attempt to re-identify using any of the data provided.
All data stored on computers are password protected with access limited to authorized research personnel, and the data contains no identifying information. Data with identifying information will be kept separately from the research records in a secure file by the Principal Investigator. The Principal Investigator will oversee data management, including informing investigators when the data may be destroyed. However, the data is planned to be retained for the foreseeable future and will be stored securely by the MdTF and regularly monitored to ensure the integrity and privacy of data is maintained.